Tuesday, 11 April 2017


Freebies 3rd-9th April

Today I thought I'd write a blog post nice and early, in between looking after my 15 month old who is currently coming down with a cold and a little bit clingy poor little man. He was so upset first thing this morning got me up at 5.45am which sounds bad but compared to 4am that's a sleep in. Anyway enough about that, what I came here to write about was how to get freebies.

I used to get a lot of freebies but got out of the habit but this week I thought right lets go for it see how many I can get and explain how it works for anyone who wants to know. I haven't explored the world of coupons this week as I didn't get round to it but hopefully I will cover that next Tuesday. Also I was thinking of posting the offers on my social media pages ie Facebook and Twitter to give you a chance of getting them too :) Just to clarify the reason there is 2 of some items is because Mike (my other half) kindly agreed to get the freebies too with my help of course.

Birdseye Chicken Chargrills from CheckOutSmart (App)

The first place I started at is an old favourite App that you can download on your smartphone called CheckOutSmart but what is great is you can also use it online at https://www.checkoutsmart.com/
This is a cash back app where you buy the product on offer, then upload your receipt to prove you have got the item, usually this only takes a few minutes. They then check your uploaded receipt and credit your account. You have a £5 limit for withdrawal so you can't withdraw the money to paypal or your bank till you get past £5 and anything under £20 gets a 5% charge on withdrawal so usually I save it till I get past £20 and look forward to a nice payout unless I'm desperate for the money.

Amstel Bier from CheckOutSmart also with a competition on which is great if your a comper like me ;)

First step is to have a look at the offers, For example the Birdseye chicken was only available to buy at Asda to be accepted for the cashback but it varies from offer to offer. Then do your shopping, always write a list and always double check the product is the correct product as weights can be different or small things for example I bought a Volvic Touch of fruit drink thinking it was a freebie and didn't realise I should have got the sugar free one! You live and you learn but try not to make my silly mistake :P

 Little Dish Chickpea Pop rice cakes for Harry from CheckOutSmart

You can save yourself money using cashback apps/websites not just from the freebies but they offer discounts on products too, I try not to get these unless its a product I would buy normally or it makes it really cheap that I want to try the item. Like earlier in the week I got some more rice cakes but got 50p back which made them half price. These are great for harry to snack on. There was quite a few more freebies on both CheckOutSmart and Shopmium (I'll talk about Shopmium soon) but I didn't see the point in getting them, but currently there is cider and more baby food plus a few others.

Lindt Gold Bunnies (100g) Free via Shopmium referral code

Shopmium is just like CheckOutSmart its an App where you get free and discount offers. Its a similar process only you have to scan the barcode of your product. This did error for me the first time but worked out fine after another try. After that I took a picture of the receipt and it didn't quite register on the app so I had to go to My Purchases and added a photo again just to be on the safe side. They processed my claim the next day and my £3 I had paid was sent straight to my paypal account (again you can use your bank if you want). Great service despite the errors!

Here’s what to do:

1. Download the free Shopmium app on your iPhone or Android smartphone:

2. Open the app and sign up with my code: KMKMKMCY

3. Enjoy your Lindt Gold Bunny!

Free Creme Egg from o2 Priorities

If your network is o2 definitely get the o2 Priorities app, not only do you get freebies (get them fast as its a limited number) but you also get offers and competitions. You check the offer, go to the store it says its available at and then get your code while your at the till, they enter it in and you walk away with a freebie!

Next week I will be back with more freebies and hopefully more ways of getting free stuff. If you have any questions or more advice feel free to comment below and in the mean time I will post the freebies/deals on social media as I get them. Thanks for reading. Ellie :) xxx

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